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Contact Lenses: Fitting & Evaluation

A contact lens evaluation is a separate part of a comprehensive eye examination and requires additional testing that people who do not wear contact lenses do not need to have. Patients wearing contact lenses require more of the doctor’s time and expertise and may require follow-up visits. In order to prescribe contact lenses an eye doctor must complete several additional tests:

  1. Evaluate the health of the eye paying close attention to the cornea, eyelids and conjunctiva and how contact lens wear will affect the health of the eye.

  2. Determine the proper contact lens prescription based on each individual patient’s glasses prescription, vision needs and corneal health and curvature. A contact lens prescription is different and separate from a glasses prescription.

  3. Examine the contact lens on the eye to ensure proper alignment with the cornea and lids.

  4. Measure the vision with the contact lenses on the eye and make adjustments as indicated. Contact lens examinations and fittings have different levels of difficulty; this depends on the types of contact lenses needed, the visual requirements of the patient and the health of the patient’s eyes.

Your contact lens prescription expires every year and it is necessary to have a contact lens evaluation in addition to your comprehensive eye exam annually to renew that prescription. If you require a contact lens prescription today a contact lens evaluation will be completed by the doctor with an evaluation fee based on the complexity of your prescription. This fee includes today’s evaluation, diagnostic contact lenses if needed, and any additional follow-ups if needed.

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